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Search Screens...

Multi-functional Search Engines.
Information is presented to the user in easy to use multi-functional Search Screens.

The user can delineate what information is presented in each search screen.

Once the information is displayed, the user can change the order of the lists presented.

Notice that the Last Name Title in the column list is indented.

This signifies that the list is currently sorted in alphabetical order based on Last Name. Any of the Titles can be selected by the user. This will change the sorting order of the presented list.

For example, if the user selects the Incident Date Title, the list would then appear as:

The list still contains the same number of Incidents, still based on the criteria in the Properties Section. The difference is that the list is now presented in descending order based on the date of the Incident. Notice that now the Incident Date Title in the column is indented.

Intuitive Use

The user can change these parameters and then can output the pre-formatted report based on these values.

An overview of the claims in the system can be specified based on claims these search screens return.


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