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Incident Details Section.
The Details Section of the Incident Folder is the Incident Report Section. Completing this section of the Incident Folder creates The Incident Report. This section is used to collect all the relevant details of the incident.

The Incident Details creates a standard Incident Report that contains information beyond what is collected in the Form 7 section.

The subsequent output from this report can be used as an internal reporting mechanism for incidents of all types, even those that are not reportable to the WSIB.

v3DetailsReport.gif (68880 bytes)
[ click on image to see full size in a new window -
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The Details Section includes most of the information found in the Form 7 plus:

  • Cause Identifiers,
  • Computed Absence Duration and Costs,
  • List of all Previous Incidents,
  • Evaluation and Review Section.


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